Read more about the 2020 update to our framework, which highlighted the potential of SEL in promoting educational equity and excellence.įamilies & Caregivers.Use our reflection protocol to facilitate a discussion on implementation efforts in your school, district, or other setting.Download more information on the framework (available in English and Spanish).It can be applied to many different priorities and aligned with each community’s strengths, needs, and cultures. Our framework provides a foundation for communities to use evidence-based SEL strategies in ways that are most meaningful to their local context. Establish equitable learning environments and coordinate practices across four key settings that support students’ social, emotional, and academic development.
Foster knowledge, skills, and attitudes across five areas of social and emotional competence.Schools, districts, states, and others can use CASEL’s Framework to: Our SEL framework, known to many as the “CASEL wheel,” helps cultivate skills and environments that advance students’ learning and development. A framework creates a foundation for applying evidence-based SEL strategies to your community.